A better algorithm to use would be the Russian peasant method which can be done by bitwise operations and addition. Multiplying a number without using * operator [closed] Ask Question ... (Float,int etc) by 7, without using the * operator in TWO steps. The multiplication of given two numbers is: 1530. A proper solution for integers would not have a failure node that requires you to return -1. Program or Solution Sample Output 1: 30. This is a simple Java program to find the product of two integer numbers.. 2) Read the values using scanner object sc.nextInt() and store these values in the variables x,y. An integer is a binary number, so you can treat each bit as a multiplier: Multiplying and Dividing Binary Numbers | Multiplication and Division - ANDing a number with 1 tells you if the least significant bit is zero or one, and the two shift operators << and >> multiply and divide by two. Sample Input 1: 5 6. The second program takes any two numbers (can be integer or floating point) and displays the result. 623. Write a Java program to multiply N numbers without using * multiplication operator.As we all know that there are lot of methods or techniques to solve problem to produce desired output. Get two inputs num1 and num2, compute the product of num1 and num2 without using * operator. Then, we can find the product of given numbers using the * operator Multiply two numbers without using the “*” operator and bitwise operations -2 Assembly code computing the product of two integers without using multiplication operators in Linux Here we will see two Java programs, first program takes two integer numbers (entered by user) and displays the product of these numbers. If anyone can give me the answer for this question with the explanation , that would be very helpful. Use bit shift and add in a loop to multiply. Example 1: Program to read two integer and print product of them This technique would not actually be able to multiply two floating-point numbers, so don't use double. Previous: Write a Java program to move every zero to the right side of a given array of integers. Multiply two integers without using multiplication, division and bitwise operators, and no loops; Russian Peasant (Multiply two numbers using bitwise operators) Multiplication of two numbers with shift operator; Finding the Parity of a number Efficiently; Program to find parity; Compute the parity of a number using XOR and table look-up Contribute your code and comments through Disqus. JAVA PROGRAM: TO MULTIPLY TWO NUMBERS WITHOUT USING ARITHMETIC OPERATOR * CODING OF MULTIPLY BUTTON(jButton1) int num1,num2,i,mul=0; num1=Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText()); num2=Integer.parseInt(jTextField2.getText()); ... C PROGRAM: TO MULTIPLY TWO NUMBERS WITHOUT USING ARITHMETIC OPERATOR * Java Examples; Java Program to multiply two numbers without using * operator. 1) We are calculating the multiplication of two numbers without using “*” operator. Multiplication of two numbers without using the Multiplication(*) operator. Next: Write a Java program to reverse the content of a sentence (assume a single space between two words) without reverse every word. ... How to round a number to n decimal places in Java. In the above program, we declared two different integer values such as 34 and 45 stored in variables num1, num2 respectively.


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