WASHINGTON -- One of the most striking climate changes of the past 11,000 years caused the abrupt desertification of the Saharan and Arabia regions midway through that period. The explanation? The millennium of drought (relative) would have pushed humans to emigrate. The resulting loss of the Sahara to agricultural pursuits may be an important reason that civilizations were founded along the valleys of the Nile, the Tigris, and the Euphrates. . Indeed, some scientists suggest that human populations have left the Sahara as they deserted. on. Isla Mauritia is a delightfully exotic African island oozing charm and culture. Professor David Wright, an archaeologist from the National University of Seoul, has just published it in the journal “Frontiers in Earth Science”. 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Rex Had Huge Growth Spurts, but Other Dinos Grew Slow and Steady. Africa has lost over 250,000 square miles of its productive agricultural land over the last 50 years. By comparing archaeological data on the appearance of livestock in the Saharan region with the evolution over time of certain types of vegetation associated with a desert region, the archaeologist was able to construct his theory. Their topic focused on the prehistoric expansion of Sahara Desert. While the African Sahara is enormous and very massive, a significant bit of it is just covered with sand. Some legends stated that he was limited by time and space, and knew nothing of his pure counterpart, the Lord of Light and […] More, Kibuye and Napoleon Island :The Stunning Tourist Destination in Rwanda Kibuye is an idyllic lake-side town on the shores of Kivu, one of the world’s largest inland bodies of water, home to a wide variety of birds and plants. These winds reach 100km/h, carry sand long distances, erode rocks and reduce visibility to zero in severe storms. Desertification in Africa causes many problems for the population (Jorn Laxen). Extreme weather conditions related to climate change make matters worse, affecting food security, livelihoods and job opportunities, triggering forced migration from rural areas. How did this happen? Located at the tip of South Africa, Cape Town has a land mass of approximately 2455km2 and a population of almost 3.5 million. More specifically, desertification plays its largest role in the grasslands of East Africa, the Kalahari Desert and the Sahara Desert. The transition to today's arid climate was not gradual, but occurred in two specific episodes. The change from the mid-Holocene climate to that of today was initiated by changes in the Earth's orbit and the tilt of Earth's axis. A new theory now offers a different explanation for Sahara desertification: the presence of humans. “What is interesting is that the people who came back after the dry period were different, most of them were pastoralists, and the dry period separates two different cultures. These regions span over 65 percent of the land.In Ethiopia, 80 percent of the land is at risk of desertification. Under the influence of other factors, such as the presence of the Moon, it also experiences some oscillations. Desertification or land degradation is not new to the world. Materials provided by American Geophysical Union. News Climate Change Rising Temperatures. desertification changes the absorption and release of associated greenhouse gases (GHGs). Africa and Asia are the most affected areas in the world by desertification. This highlights a link between Homo sapiens migrations and the humidity of the place. Sahara desertification was a natural phenomenon or by human influence? The model suggests that land use practices of humans who lived in and cultivated the Sahara, were not significant causes of the desertification. However, according to the results obtained by this team, the migrations would have occurred 8,000 years ago … in the middle of the period known as the “Green Sahara”. I parked the car directly in the roundabout, because I just wanted to go to the ATM. […] More, Ahriman and Daevas The Demons of Desert : Evil Spirits in Zoroastrianism In the ancient Persian belief system known as Zoroastrianism, the prince of evil spirits was named Ahriman or Angra Mainyu. These civilizations have set up space, set fire to areas they wanted to dedicate to their animals, and more generally carried out deforestation. It is located in the horse latitudes under the subtropical ridge, a significant belt of semi-permanent subtropical warm-core high pressure where the air from the upper troposphere usually descends, warming and drying the lower troposphere and preventing cloud formation. Desertification is a type of land degradation in drylands in which biological productivity is lost due to natural processes or induced by human activities whereby fertile areas become increasingly arid. The periodic crises in the African “Hunger Belt” have provided a more accurate and effective vision of the relationship between desertification and human activities. Desertification of rangelands has had strong negative effects on Earth's biodiversity and the continued rate of desertification represents a major global threat. The underlying causes of this drying and desertification has previously been attributed to subtle changes in the Earth’s orbit, which in turn influenced atmospheric weather patterns and led to a reduction of the amount of rainfall in northern Africa. Physical Description of Gemsbok The light brown to gray coats of adult Gemsbok fades to a lighter color at the back of the rump, […] More, Joshua Tree of the Mojave Desert: A Desert Tree in the South Western Of United States The Joshua tree grows in the high elevations of the Mojave desert and is often a lone symbol in an otherwise seemingly barren landscape; it is said that this tree was named by early Mormon settlers because its shape […] More. It leads to the reduction or elimination of the vegetation-covered area. Before that time, the Sahara was covered by annual grasses and low shrubs, as evidenced by fossilized pollen. While performing his duties during the summer season, Abbey lived alone in an old-fashioned caravan relatively far from the nearest permanent town of […] More, Evil Spirits of the Desert: Azazel and the Djinn Between Fact and Fiction The desert has always been a dangerous and desolate place; its violent sandstorms and lack of life-sustaining provender mark it as the eternal abode of those fallen angels and evil spirits dedicated to provoking human suffering and achieving the ultimate destruction of humanity. According to some studies, when the Sahara was covered by vegetation, sunshine in the southern hemisphere was higher in the summer, reinforcing the West African monsoon, and bringing abundant rains to the Sahara. The timing of this transition was, they report, mainly governed by a global interplay among atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and vegetation. Vegetation loss and drying of surface cover due to desertification increases the frequency of dust storms (high confidence). The changes in Earth's orbit occurred gradually, however, whereas the evolution of North Africa's climate and vegetation were abrupt. The drying of the Sahel in the late 20th century caused widespread famine that attracted world-wide attention, including the United Nations Conference on Desertification (UNCOD) in Nairobi, Kenya in 1977, the 1993 Convention to Combat Desertification, the 2006 International Year of the Desert and Desertification, and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The tree is able to “stretch its roots to the genitalia of the earth and ultimately defeats death”, as the Chilean Nobel Prize-winning poet Pablo Neruda once expressed […] More, Desert Solitaire: A Comment on Culture and Environment by E.Abbey For several seasons Edward Abbey worked as a ranger in what is today known as the Arches National Park in eastern Utah.


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