ISBN 978-1-55963-662-9 Although the concept of Allee effect had no title at the time, it was first described in the 1930s by its namesake, Warder Clyde Allee.Through experimental studies, Allee was able to demonstrate that goldfish grow more rapidly when there are more individuals within the tank. The Allee effect is a phenomenon in biology characterized by a correlation between population size or density and the mean individual fitness (often measured as per capita population growth rate) of a population or species. critical patch size induced by an Allee effect. View Allee effect in ecology Research Papers on for free. See main article: Warder Clyde Allee. (ecology) The negative population growth observed at low population densities My Research: The Allee effect is a key focus in my PhD studies. Principles of animal ecology. The provision of a clear definition of the genetic Allee effect should prompt a better examination of the genetic mechanisms affecting fitness and demography in small populations. Meaning of Allee effect. However, the genetic consequences of population expansion remain an understudied body of theory. The Allee effect describes a scenario in which populations at low numbers are affected by a positive relationship between population growth rate and density, which increases their likelihood of extinction. Allee effect has become a phrase that is often misinterpreted as it lacks a set definition (20) . Until recently, however, this concept was generally regarded as an intriguing but relatively unimportant aspect of population ecology. Most people chose this as the best definition of allee-effect: (ecology) The negative po... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Allee, WC, Emerson, AE, Park, O, Park, T and Schmidt, KP (1949). Allee effect: The benefit individuals gain from the presence of conspecifics. Allee effect The social dysfunction and failure to mate successfully that occurs in some species when their population density falls below a certain threshold. The presence of an Allee effect can be detected easily by calculating the exact probabilities of the observed frequency of data points in the hiatus area with that expected if fitness is positively density dependent at low density. This concept was first described by Warder Clyde Allee in the 1930’s. ... Landscape Ecology, 10.1007/s10980-014-0039-6, 30, 9, (1643-1655), (2014). Allee effect promotes diversity in traveling waves of colonization [Ecology] Most mathematical studies on expanding populations have focused on the rate of range expansion of a population. Strong Allee effect: demographic Allee effect with an Allee threshold. The Allee effect also plays a critical role in Biological Control programmes (the introduction of a natural enemy species to control a pest species) where success often depends on releasing sufficient numbers of individuals to ensure establishment of the natural enemy species. Here, we summarize the literature of Allee effects in biological invasions, revealing an extensive theory of the consequences of the Allee effect in invading species and some empirical support for the theory. We find a stochastic Allee effect that is amplified by polygyny. Infectious disease is also identified as a primary threat to many carnivores. Anthropogenic modification of the landscape, resultant habitat loss, and decades of persecution have resulted in severe decline and fragmentation of large carnivore populations worldwide. Predation-driven Allee effect: a general term for any component Allee effect in survival caused by one or multiple predators whereby the per capita predation-driven mortality rate of prey increases as prey numbers or density decline. This phenomenon, frequently termed the Allee effect, has been the focus of increased interest over the past two decades in the light of concerns over conservation and the problems of rarity.


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